Mobile Braid bar Houston

Hello, and thank you for hanging out in my little corner of the internet where I discuss the highs, lows, and wonderful experiences I encounter being a lover and server of natural hair and braiding. Here, I get a chance to open up about what it’s been like to transform this “mommy hobby” and skill into an actual business that serves my passions and honors tradition, peace & beauty.

In 2017, Braid Bar Houston, LLC., was contacted and hired by an Associate Producer with a marketing group in NYC, to provide braiding services at a local football game and drum up awareness for a new Target store grand opening. Here are snippets of the footage from that day. The 1st piece of footage is from my Facebook LIVE before the event started and I was so nervous. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that the more anxious I feel before doing things I love, the closer I am to success because I’M CHOOSING to step forward out of my comfort zone.

My entire life I was told of 2 options for my anxiety… Fight or Flight. It wasn’t until recently that I heard of another option… FORWARD. Just take 1 step forward in the direction of your fear.

At the time, I wasn’t marketing Braid Bar Houston to offer a mobile braid service/event, but it was one of my many ideas I had written down to roll-out on some future date. The opportunity presented itself because I was using relevant hashtags on social media for my area, and that content happened to catch the eye of that producer who was coming into town. Even though I wasn’t used to this type of request, I made the necessary adjustments to be able to accommodate. I decided my value, built my team, and they accepted MY PRICE. They didn’t bargain, they didn’t ask any details… they just agreed to what I declared as the value I was bringing to the table. And to think, I went back and forth in my mind for hours about how much to charge! I say this so that we normalize asking for our worth and not letting fear and anxiety keep us from our individual greatness.


Much Love,


ON SET: Maternity Shoot BTS w/ Chelsea & The Photo Firm


The 1 year anniversary of Braid Bar Houston (2017)